CO2-neutral buildings: 22·26 and GEZE are already making this utopian vision a reality
Ideally, CO2-neutral buildings cause no or nearly no greenhouse gas emissions. Sounds utopian? But it's not: the Austrian-based planning company 22·26 GmbH helps architects and investors to design climate-neutral buildings today, with smart window systems from GEZE.
The goal: climate-neutral buildings by 2045 at the latest
According to the European Union's European Green Deal, all buildings should be climate-neutral by 2050 at the latest. The German government's goal is even more ambitious: climate neutrality from 2045. From 2030, all new non-residential buildings within the EU must fulfil the standard of a zero-energy building. In Germany, primary energy consumption of buildings is set to fall 40 % by 2030.
In order to achieve these ambitious climate protection targets, extensive measures are required in the building sector that focus on optimised energy efficiency, renewable energies, sustainable construction methods and energy-efficient building renovation as well as intelligent building automation.
At 22·26, we develop innovative building concepts that focus on natural ventilation and energy efficiency to create a sustainable and comfortable living and working environment. A partner like GEZE, which has made liveable buildings its mission, fits in perfectly with this goal.
Sebastian Nödl, Project Manager at 22·26 GmbHCO2-neutral buildings with 22·26 and GEZE
Dr Dominik Landerer, ventilation and building automation expert at GEZE © GEZE GmbH
Experts from 22·26 GmbH show how buildings can be made climate-neutral today by dispensing with conventional heating and cooling and using intelligent 22·26 building software. To achieve this, they work closely with architects when planning a building and use smart window systems from GEZE to create natural ventilation.
GEZE expert Dominik Landerer talks to Sebastian Nödl from 22·26 about the path to CO2-neutral buildings. Learn more about innovative solutions in ventilation and building automation technology.
Sebastian Nödl, Project Manager at 22·26
How do you integrate sustainable principles into the building design process at 22·26?
Nödl: At 22·26, we work closely with builders, architects and developers to design buildings that are completely free of commercial building technology and therefore produce no or very low CO2 emissions. Our goal is to unite economy with ecology, and steer the construction industry towards sustainability.
How exactly does 22·26's principle ensure CO2-neutral buildings?
Nödl: Our principle is to create a comfortable climate all year round with temperatures between 22° and 26° Celsius. This means that our buildings do without conventional heating, cooling and mechanical ventilation systems. We achieve this through natural ventilation, which is made possible by a specific building structure and intelligent control units. Our windows are equipped with automated drives from GEZE that allow windows to be opened and closed as required. We use vertical ventilation flaps that are opened in a targeted fashion depending on the CO2 level in the room to ensure a fresh exchange of air. These ventilation flaps are a central and recognisable element of our buildings and reflect our 22·26 principle.
How exactly do you create a comfortable climate in buildings all year round with temperatures between 22° and 26° Celsius – regardless of whether it's summer or winter?
Nödl: An important aspect of our buildings is their high inertia and thermal mass, which makes it possible to store natural energy and release it throughout the day. In summer, we use night-time cooling to cool the buildings, while in winter we use natural waste heat from devices such as computers and monitors or from people to heat them.
Window drives such as the GEZE Slimchain are essential for intelligent building control units. © GEZE GmbH
Are these climate-neutral buildings liveable and comfortable as well, from the point of view of building users?
Nödl: Our buildings are designed to meet the needs of users – and not the other way round. Our building control units and smart Slimchain window drives from GEZE react intelligently to signals and user needs to ensure effective ventilation and a pleasant indoor climate.
Are there already examples of CO2-neutral buildings based on the 22·26 principle?
Nödl: Yes, the 22·26 principle has already been successfully tested in practice. We have already created several residential and office buildings in Austria and Switzerland that do without conventional heating, cooling and mechanical ventilation systems and instead rely on natural ventilation and intelligent building control units. These projects show that it is possible to create a pleasant and healthy indoor climate that increases the comfort of users while minimising the ecological footprints and, above all, the CO2 emissions of buildings.

We rely on high-quality materials and strong partners like 22·26 to design liveable and sustainable buildings for people."
Dominik Landerer, ventilation and building automation expert at GEZEWe support you on the path to a CO2-neutral building
Our experts support architects, planners and building operators in all matters relating to energy efficiency, energy-efficient building renovation and intelligent building automation. We support you from planning and implementation through to maintenance and servicing of your systems.